英语这么讲才地道【日常对话篇】-to be continued

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134. 我给你拿一杯(酒)(英),一杯而已没事的。 Can I get you a pint? ( [paɪnt] 品脱 单位)one pint won't hurt. 135. 都来酒吧了,就得来一杯啤酒啊。


英语这么讲才地道【日常对话篇】-to be continued


  1. 英语这么讲才地道【日常对话篇】-to be continued

一、英语这么讲才地道【日常对话篇】-to be continued



作者根据BBC口语教材和在国外的生活经验, 收集整理了一些非常实用、地道的real world Enligh。

中文部分被翻译得比较诙谐、接地气,部分还配有 Chinglish 和 English 的对照,希望能帮助你尽快意会、加深学习记忆,轻松应用起来!~

Cool, let's get it! 

1. 跟陌生人或者久违的朋友见面,到了尾声需要相互体面的告别时,礼貌的说一句:真的很高兴这次能见到你,会是一个让彼此都比较舒服的结束,此时,你打算怎么表达?

Chinglish:It's really nice to meet you!   →    地坦带道简洁表达: Lovely to see you!

2. 在英国,简单的一句谢谢:

Thanks or Thank you.   →    Cheers. (对,是“干杯”这个词)

3. 称赞什么东西还不错时:

Good!    →       Good stuff!

4. 搞定!

Finish! ×    →     Done! 

5. 把那水喝了。

To drink up that water.

6. 我不知道什么时候把茶洒到上面了。

Maybe I stirred my tea with it at one point.

Maybe I spilt some tea on it.

7. 他是个交际能手。

He is a people person.

He is conversational.

8. 明天一起吃午饭吗?

Can you do lunch tomorrow?/ Are you available to come to lunch with me?

9. 我们啥时候聚一聚呗?

Let's get together sometime.

10. 那女孩儿以为她是谁?!

Who does that girl think she is?!

11. 你让她不高兴了。她显然是不高兴了

You upset her. She is obviously upset about something.

12. 我快受够了, 她整天对我就像佣人一样。

I've almost had enough,I get treated like some kind of servant.

13. 欧买噶。


Oh for goodness sake[seɪk , ˈsɑːki]. 

Oh my goodness

Oh my gosh.

Oh dear.

Golly gosh.


14. 不领情的傻子。

Ungrateful idiot.

15. 你还好吗?嗯,但我也很气。

Are you well?

Yes but I'm actually rather angry too.

16. 请这边走, 告诉我出什么事了。

Please come this way and you can tell me what's wrong.

17. 希望最后别给搞砸了野神。

Let's hope it doesn't end in disaster.

18. 我马上颂信亏搞定。

I’m almost done.

19. 别担心。

No worries.

20. 不管它了。

Never mind.

21. 得嘞!VS 我知道了(带礼貌的不满情绪)。



I think I've understood.

22. 帮你把围巾挂起来不?

Can I give you a hand with your scarf too? 

Let me help with your scarf.

23. 简直一团糟。

It was a horrible mess.

24. 我原本打算...

I was meant to do ...

25. 你应该道歉并表示出真诚。

You are going to have to apologise and show that you really mean it.

26. 这么会这样!

That's totally unacceptable.

27. 一定给你带来了很多不便。- 那肯定啊!

That must have been very inconvenient for you. - It certainly was.

28. 你是一个值得信任的人。

You are a trusted person.

29. Anna 这个名字前半部分和后半部分的拼写是一样的。

The name of Anna is spelled the same forwards and backwards.

30. ta离开的时候很开心。

He has come away a very happy customer.

31. 气氛有点紧张。

Things are a teeny tense today.

32. Great job.

You handled it well.

I'm really impressed.

33. 安娜终于松了口气。

What a relief for Anna.

34. 他穿棕色的鞋子不好看,他就不适合穿棕色的鞋子。

Brown shoes don't look right on him. He is not a brown shoe sort of person.

35. 不是我的错!

That's not my fault.

36. 场景:他正在处理某个棘手的问题,恐怕会耗时很久那种。 旁观者感叹一句:

It's going to be a long day for him.

37. 一些尴尴尬尬的错误。

Some embarrassing mistakes.

38. 很抱歉打扰您,...  - 别烦/打断我。

Sorry to bother you,...  - Don't interrupt.

39. 都怪你!

It's all because of you.

40. 她最后还是搞定了。

She managed in the end.

41. 来嚼个益达!

To grab a stick of gum.

42. 去喝点东西呗。

To grab something to drink.

43. 我不知道这个的意思/表达法。

I didn't know that expression.

44. 我这些设备值好几千呢,都是最新款呢。

My devices are worth thousands,they are all the latest versions.

45. 马克杯,指甲锉。

Mug, lady-curve nail file.

46. 她睡着了。

She's sleeping. → She's asleep.

47. 我整晚都趴在桌子上睡的。

I have spent the night asleep at my desk.

48. 屋子没进来人(偷东西)。

We haven't been burgled.

49. 嗯,我注意到了。

Yeah, I've noticed that.

50. 你需要好好睡一觉,不然会垮掉的。

You need to sleep properly otherwise you'll end up burning out.

51. 很好。

Very good. → Fairly good.

52. 好吧;可以滴!

Fair enough.

53. 你的伦敦之行如何?

How was your trip to London?

54. 你最近总是拼命加班。

You've really been burning the candle at both ends lately .


55. 今天对安娜来说是个重要的日子/安娜今儿很忙。

It's a big day for Anna.

56. 对的。


57. 我盼这天盼了好久了。

I’ve been looking forward to this for days.

58. 至少你准备的很充分,这才是主要的。

At least you're well-prepared, that's the main thing .

59. 下订单,接订单

Place an order, take the order.

60. 她大脑一片空白。

Her mind is blank.

61. Because...

This is because...

62. 说话尽量别像个机器人似的。

Try not to bark out information like a robot.

63. 待会儿再打过来吧。

Call back later.

64. 我不知道他想说啥。

I don't know he's got to say.

65. 你再拿一块饼干走吧。

Take another biscuit with you.

66. 你太幸运了。

You lucky thing.

67. 我之前也有点担心来着。

I was a bit concerned about it myself.

68. 我觉得Tom 跟Paul说了这事儿。

I think Tom actually mentioned it to Paul.

69. 他们还没来。

They haven't got here.

70. 我不知道他能否成功教Anna 一些有用的东西。

I don't know if he manages to tech Anna anything useful.

71. 出去吃不?- 我到现在还有点撑,下次吧。

Hey, let's go out eating.- I am sort of full now. So maybe next time.

72. 我现在太紧张了。

I'm so stressed by all this.

73. 你还好吗?

Is everything ok?

74. 我压力好大啊...

I'm completely stressed out.

75. 改天请你吃饭。

Let me treat you dinner sometime.

76. 我就知道!

I knew it!

77. 我想见你纯属个人原因。

The reason I want to see you is more of (更像是) a personal nature.

78. 太疯狂了。

This is insane [ɪnˈseɪn].

79. 你可别跟别人说啊。- 嗯,我答应你。

Please promise me you won't mention this to anyone.

- Ok, I promise.

80. Tom 要跟你一起吃个饭。

Tom has asked you to lunch.

81. 不是谈生意, 我发现他打一开始就紧紧盯着Anna.

It's not to talk business . I saw him looking at Anna with big eyes , from the moment he first saw her.  (注:谈生意;紧紧盯着;from的用法很贴切)

82. 好,我都记下来了。

Ok, I've got that all down.

83. 他不吃这套。

He didn't take that too well.

84. 除了一点小失误,你整体上做的还是不错的。

Apart from a little mistake, you did well there.

85. 拒绝午餐邀请。

To refuse the offer of lunch.

86. Tom 运气真差!

Bad luck Tom.

87. 这种事儿我经历的多了。

This has happened to me dozens of times . (注:完成时用法很贴切)

88. 时间过得真快,我们不知不觉就长大了/成了大人。

Time flies. Before you know it, we are all grown-ups.

89. 我昨晚看到他在扫地了。

I saw him sweeping the floor last night.

90. 他显然很想让你跟他去吃午饭,即便你已经残忍拒绝了。

He must be absolutely desperate to get you to have lunch with him, even after your cruel rejection.

91. 好了(含“就这么着,你看看”的意思)


92. 来块巧克力脆饼吧。

Have a chocolate crunchy.

93. 她正打电话呢。

She is on the phone.

94. 感觉他忧心忡忡的。

He looks a bit bothered.

95. 我觉得有点儿冷。

I'm a bit cold. / I'm a bit chilly.

96. 没事儿,我不介意。

I’m not bothered.

97. 出来吃点饼干吧。

Just popping out for some biscuits.

98. 坐电梯下到楼下的仓库。

Take the lift down to the warehouse.

99. 把烟熄了- 好。 

To extinguish the cigarette. - OK I'll stub it.

To put the cigarette out.

100. 要不我给你拿点口香糖?

I could get you some gum if you like.

101. 我会保密的。

I’ll keep it a secret.

102. 我讨厌烟味儿。

I hate the smell of cigarette smoke.

103. 下次再说吧。

Maybe it's best to leave it for another time.

104. 你身上一股烟味儿。

You smell of cigarette smoke.

105. come into 去趟。。。

step into.

106. 你说的不全对。

Not exactly.

107. 你喝水的时候能不bia ji嘴吗?

Do you mind not slurping?

108. Anna 说漏嘴了。

Anna's let the cat out of the bag.

109. 火警警报响了。

The fire alarm's going off.

110. 讲真,我对你很失望。

Frankly, I'm disappointed with you.

111. 在消防点集合。

To meet at the fire assembly point.

112. 我来扶你。

I'll carry you.

113. 他就突然出现了。

He has turned up unexpectedly.

114. 你们现在有房间吗?价格是多少?

I'd like to check availability and prices for a room please.

115. 预定。

Make a reservation.

116. 我朋友开了一家酒店。

My friend runs a hotel.

117. 你肯定能享受折扣的。

You are bound to get a special rate.

118. 如果有猫他会被吓坏的。

He gets spooked out if there's a cat.

119. 他贼难伺候。

He's a particularly fussy man.  (fussy 挑剔的)

120. 我出去买了点饼干。

I popped out for some biscuits.

121. 商务设施,健身设施。

business facilities, workout facilities.

122. 你看上去有些局促不安。

You seem a bit flustered.

123. 他挂断电话了。

He has hung up. (把电话挂起来,想象老式挂壁电话)

124. 我的手机刚买第二天就丢了。

I lost my mobile the second day I bought it.

125. 我已经说的很清楚了。

I've made it quite clear.

126. Of course.

You betcha.

127. 我就直说了。

I gotta give it to you straight.

128. 你先继续听他说。

Just keep listening for now.

129. (因为。。。事实)所以我们要行动起来。

So this calls for action.

130. 赶紧的,...

Chop chop,...

(chop 切碎v.  chopping board 切菜板)

131. 你别再找借口了,我已经听得太多了!

I've had enough of your excuses!

132. 她怀孕了吗?

Is she pregnant?

133. 不会吧,不可能!

No way!

134. 我给你拿一杯(酒)(英),一杯而已没事的。

Can I get you a pint?  ( [paɪnt] 品脱 单位)one pint won't hurt.

135. 都来酒吧了,就得来一杯啤酒啊。

You've got to have a pint of beer when you come to a pub.

136. 你的单你自己买行吗? 我现金不够了?

Are you OK gett ing your own ? I 'm a bit short of cash .

137. 她马上就过来了。

She would be along (with us) soon.

138. 我觉得他已经上头了(醉)。

I think it's going to his head.

139. 给Anna 也来一杯。

Get Anna a drink.

140. 我就在这儿(候着,有事儿随时叫我)。

I'll just be over here.

141. 我敢说他就是个光说不做的人。

I can tell he 's all talk and no action .

142. 他讲的这些有点太私人了, 喝了点儿酒就口不择言了。

He's getting a bit too personal. That beer is making him say things he shouldn't .

143. 这么说不合适吧,换个话题吧。

It's not appropriate to talk like that. Could we change the subject please?

144. 你应该多穿点黑色的衣服。

You should wear more black.

145. 他有些失礼了。

He's out of order.

146. 我想再喝点啤酒。

I would like to try some more of the beer.

147. 她在保持谈话专业度方面还是很有技巧的。

She 's got the hang of keep ing things professional.

148. 她现在需要跟Tom 解释一下了。

She's got some explaining to do to Tom.

149. 听你这么说太好了/如果是这样,那太好了。

Good to hear.

150. 试试吧。

Give it a go.

151. Anna开窍了,牛X!

Anna's got the hang on this, she's on fire!

152. 你这儿进行的咋样了?

How are you getting on?

153. 他刚挂我电话!

He has hung up on me!

154. 让我们为Anna喝彩!

Hooray for Anna.

155. 听起来有希望啊!

Sounds promising.

156. 他帮了我。

He saved my bacon. (帮我存了块儿熏肉)

157. 行了你俩,憋说了,赶紧的!

Come on you two, get a move on.

158. 我们去看看Anna那边进展的怎么样了。

Let's see how Anna has got on.

159. 我的杀手锏奏效了吗?- 有点儿吧。

Did those killer lines of mine work?- Sort of.

160. 让我们出去,我们被锁进来了!

Let us out, we are stuck.

161. 你能来帮我...吗? - 嗯,应该可以,我来了。

Can you come over here to ...for me? - Yeah, suppose so,I'm coming.

162. 说真的,你永远都会说从明天再开始减肥。

Let's face it, you will never start losing weight the next day.

163. 说实话,。。。。。

Truth to be told.

164. 所以我还在ipad上查了一下。

So I touched it on my ipad.

165. 起床

Get out of the bed.

166. 假设。。。

Given that...

167. 好的,当然可以,请便

By all means.

168. 久而久之,我就能熟练的找到了。

Over time, I got better at finding it.

169. 我的重心彻底发生了改变。

My priorities change on a cellular level.

170. 认为**珍贵;珍惜真爱**

Value something; Cherish something or someone.

171. 我们这已经算是很富裕的家庭了, 我们所谓的困难对许多家庭而言都是一种奢侈。

We were an incredibly privileged family,our hardships were the stuff of other families' dreams.

172. 错,大错特错。

Wrong, on many levels.

173. 更重要的是...

The bottom line is...

174. 我还没听说过这事儿诶!

I haven't listened to it yet.

175. 今儿我只有一节课,然后就没啦!

I have a lecture, and that's pretty much it.

176. 互相保持联系。

Keep contact with each other. OR  liaise with each other.

177. 各式各样的。

Varies of **. OR A varied assortment of.

178. 骑上我心爱的小摩托。

To ride my favorite motorbike. → To mount my favorite motorbike.

179. 我戒烟了。

I’ve quitted smoking.

180. 我不会让我女儿跟你交往的!

I wouldn't allow my daughter to go out with you. → I would never grant my daughter permission to go out with you! 

181. 这件看着很上档次/高档。

This one looks upmarket. 

182. 你的想法很接地气。

Your idea is down-to-earth.

183. 其实/说白了,他就是骗子!

In essence, he is a fraud!

184. 你看我眼睛都肿成啥了。

Look at my puffy eyes.

185. 外面雨贼大。

It was a downpour outside. OR  It was a heavy rain outside.

186. 他真好看真帅...

He is handsome. → He is good looking.

187. 我走神了1小时!

I spaced out for an hour.

188. 好臭,我喜欢这个(香)味儿!

Smelly, I love this scent.

189. 我缺点贼多。

I've got many shortcomings/downsides.

190. 我哥们儿。

My pal.

191. I feel energetic.

I feel alive.

192. 太震撼了叭!

Absolutely stunning!

193. 太失败了。

It's a big flop.

194. 我们上山了。

We 've made our way up to the hill.

195. 宽敞!


196. 嗯,我会这么觉得。

Yes, I would say so.

197. My major is Jpanese. 

I'm learning Japanese.

198. 你的专业是英语吗?

Are you an English major?

199. 人们都是这种情况吧!

It's probably true for most people.

200. 我拖延症晚期。

I procrastinate a lot.

201. 把你的时间规划好。

To budget your time.

202. 抽时间做**。

Take time off to do **.

203. 这杯敬月光。

This toast goes out to moonlight.

204. 他找女朋友的眼光挺差的。

He has a poor taste in girls.

205. 他每次思考的都很深入。

He goes very deep into each topic.

206. 我喜欢他的另一个原因是**

The other thing I love about him is**.

207. 一小袋儿糖。

A sachet [ˈsæʃeɪ] of sugar.

208. 缩小差距。

Close the gap.

209. 这是最著名的景点了。

It's the most recognized view.

210. 我希望你能理解,我和你妈做的所有事都是为了你好。

I hope you see the point of everything your mother and I do for you!

215. 我知道你的意思/我知道你想说啥,但我觉得...

I see/take your point but...

216. 扯淡!

You must be joking(英).

You've got to be kidding me(美).

217. 我要去吃饭了。

I'm gonna go get lunch.

218. 我忘了好多了。

I've lost lots of it.


