拼音中的“O”到底怎么念?似乎南方念“凹”北方念“wo",求想lol这类的英文短语 越多越好

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比如"哦"这个字,拼音写作"o", 但它肯定不读作 "窝".如果采用北方的"o"发音,那么,普通话中的"哦"字发音将无法用现有拼音表示.再比如 "ou" 发音 "欧" ,原则上说是"o"与"u"的合音, 若按北方o读法,将被拼成"wo...


拼音中的“O”到底怎么念?似乎南方念“凹”北方念“wo",求想lol这类的英文短语 越多越好


  1. 拼音中的“O”到底怎么念?似乎南方念“凹”北方念“wo"
  2. 求想lol这类的英文短语 越多越好



汉语拼音“O”应该是发“哦,平声”, 哦--!


例:wǒ 我














比如"哦"这个字,拼音写作"o", 但它肯定不读作 "窝".



"ou" 发音 "欧" ,原则上说是"o"与"u"的合音, 若按北方o读法,将被拼成"wou"....前面无故多了一个"w"的音

"ao" 发音"袄",南方可以很轻松地用"a"和"o"拼成"袄",而北方得独立记忆这个发音组合.因为北方的发音"a"与"wo"相拼将不伦不类.



二、求想lol这类的英文短语 越多越好

AFK ? Away From Keyboard

ASAP - As Soon As Possible

ASL ? Age/Sex/Location

ATM ? At The Moment

A3 - Anytime, Anywhere, Anyplace

BBL - Be Back Later

BBS ? Be Back Soon

BBQ - Barbecue

BFN/B4N ? Bye For Now

BRB ? Be Right Back

BRT ? Be Right There

BTW ? By The Way

B4N ? Bye For Now

Blog - Also known as web log or an online journal

CU ? See You

CYA ? See You

CUZ - Because

DND - Do not Disturb

EOF - End Of File

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

FTL - For the loss

FTW ? For the win

FYI - For your information

GR8 ? Great!

GTG ? Got to Go

G9 ? Genius

GBTW ? Get back to work

GF - Great/good fight/逗雀宏扒girlfriend

GFU - Good for you

Gratz - Congratulations

GM - Good Morning

GN - Good Night

HAND - Have A Nice Day

HF - Have fun

IC ? I See

ICQ ? I Seek you

ILU ? I Love You

IM - Instant Messenger

J/K - Just kidding

KISS - Keep it simple stupid

LDR ? Long Distance Relationship

LMAO ? Laugh My Ass Off

LOL ? Laughing Out Loud

LTNS ? Long Time No See

L8R ? Later

M/F ? Male or Female

Msg - Message

M8 - Mate

NE1 ? Anyone

NP - No Problem

OIC ? Oh I See

OS ? Operating system

OMG ? Oh my God!

PLZ ? Please

PPL - People

RIP - Rest in Piece

s2pid - stupid

SD - Sweet Dreams

SEC- second

sk8 ? skate

Some1 - someone

Spoz ? suppose

Sry ? sorry

SS ? so sorry

str8 - Straight

SU ? shut up

SYS - see you soon

SUP - What’s Up

SYL - See you later

THX ?山绝早 Thank You

TTYL - Talk To You Later

TG ? That’s great

TOS - Terms of service

TC ? Take Care

U - You

U4E ? Yours For Eve

WB - Welcome Back

WTF - What the Fuck

W8 ? Wait…


mulu=miss you love you

tc=take care

gws=get well soon


wgo=what’s going on

cul=catch you latter

STFU: Shut The Fuck Up


top = top or left

mid = middle or center

btm/bot = bottom or right

ms = missing

g = gone

** normally they use like this,

top g, bot g, mid g or g/ms

solo = go alone

cmi = cannot make it

lj = lanjiao

tw = tower

smlj = si mi lanjiao

fk = fuck

omg = oh my god

wth = what the hell

wtf = what the fuck

hu wan = who want ?

jk = joke

n1 = nice

ps = pai seh

nvm = never mind

ty/tq = thank you

thx = thanks

ff = free farm

cb = cibai

lmfao = Laughing My Fat Ass Off

w8 = welcome back

pls = please

nub = noob

noob = newbie of the game.

ps = embarrased (used as an apology)

lj (lan jiao) = dick

liao = already

cb (chee bye) = vagina

ccb (chao chee bye) = stinky vagina

pcb (phua chee bye) = damn smelly cunt

zai = powerful

abit = a bit

aiya = yeah

bo lampa = no balls!

buey gan = useless

cfm = confirmed

cmi = cannot make it

chio = cute

chiong = attack

hao = good

heng = lucky

hoot = kick the crap out of

humji = no balls/coward

jiuming = help

kenna = get

kpkb = kao peh kao bu = talk too much (offensive)

knn = kan ni na (bei) = fuck your mom, literally means look your mother

kns = kenna sai = stepped on shit

kum lan = sucks cock

jie = thx

oi = Hey

pcc = pak chiu chiang = masturbate

sia = is (abortion abom zai sia)

sian = bored

siao = angry / crazy / mad

si bei = very

smd = tmd = ti ma de = suck my dick

talk cock = brag

tio = got

wah lau = wow!

whack = attack, hit

imba = imbalance

afk = away from keyboard

rm = remake

rmk = remake

eos = eye of skadi

hot = heart of tarrasque ( item )

hotd = head of the dominator ( item )

ms = moving speed

wp = well played

MoM = Mask of Madness ( Item )

tunnel = a function that make ip with ip connect together in gerena ( can be click in the name list )

knn = kan ni neh

cb liao = ci bai liao ( rude )

bo lan jiao = no dick

PKHKC = Pokaihamkhachan ( rude )

ggwp = good game well player

GG = During tournament, when an opponent type out GG, he/she means they are admitting defeat, GG should only be used when the game ends and when you want to leave.
